Innovation Policy Book Now Available

Policy Reforms for an Accountable Administrative State

Regulation Book Cover 300The second installment in the Unleashing Opportunity series, Policy Reforms for an Accountable Administrative State, is now available. Adam J. White, Oren Cass, and Kevin R. Kosar offer help to policymakers in Congress and the new administration as they take up the task of regulatory reform. (The first book in the series, Policy Reforms to Advance Innovation, can be found here.)

Policy Reforms for an Accountable Administrative State is available for download here

The Kindle version is available on If you’d like a hard copy, please contact Emily MacLean at [email protected] or (202) 289-4100. 

The first installment of the Unleashing Opportunity series, Policy Reforms to Advance Innovation, can be found here.

Executive Summary
Republican Remedies for the Administrative State
by Adam J. White
Reasserting Congress in Regulatory Policy
by Kevin R. Kosar
Modern Management for the Administrative State
by Oren Cass
Reforming Administrative Law to Reflect Administrative Reality
by Adam J. White


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