
On the prowl

Kevin Lewis

April 29, 2017

Cue-based estimates of reproductive value explain women's body attractiveness
Talbot Andrews et al.
Evolution and Human Behavior, forthcoming


Women's body attractiveness is influenced by specific anthropometric cues, including body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-stature ratio (WSR), and shoulder-to-waist ratio (SWR). Despite the existence of multiple functional hypotheses to explain these preferences, it remains unclear which cue-based inferences are most influential in regulating evaluations of women's body attractiveness. We argue that (i) the common link to the morphological cues that influence women's body attractiveness is that they all reliably indicate high reproductive value (as defined by youth and low parity); and (ii) ancestrally, selection pressures related to tracking between-women differences in reproductive value would have been among the strongest acting on adaptations for body evaluation. An empirical study then tested the resulting prediction that cue-based estimates of reproductive value function as powerful regulators of women's body attractiveness judgments. Subjects viewed standardized photos of women in swimsuits (with heads obscured), and were assigned to either estimate components of their reproductive value (age or number of offspring) or rate their attractiveness. Structural equation modeling revealed that a latent variable capturing estimated reproductive value was almost perfectly correlated with a latent variable capturing body attractiveness. Moreover, unique associations of women's BMI, WHR, and WSR with their body attractiveness were entirely mediated via estimated reproductive value. These findings provide strong support for the longstanding hypothesis that women's body attractiveness is primarily explained by cue-based estimates of reproductive value - expected future utility as a vehicle of offspring production.

The Decoupling of Sex and Marriage: Cohort Trends in Who Did and Did Not Delay Sex until Marriage for U.S. Women Born 1938-1985
Lawrence Wu, Steven Martin & Paula England
Sociological Science, February 2017


In this study, we examine cohort trends in who did and did not delay sex until marriage for U.S. women born between 1938 and 1985 using Cycles 3-7 of the National Survey of Family Growth. We find that roughly half of women born in the late 1930s and early 1940s were already sexually active prior to marriage. Especially rapid increases in not delaying sex until marriage occurred for women born between 1942-43 and 1954-55, with subsequent cohorts experiencing less rapid increases and with premarital sex reaching a plateau of roughly 85 to 90 percent for those born after 1962. Our continuous-time competing-risk models illustrate the methodological dangers of using single-decrement procedures for questions such as who did and did not delay sex until marriage. More generally, our findings suggest that the decoupling of sex and marriage was underway well before the so-called "sexual revolution" of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Ovarian hormone fluctuations predict within-cycle shifts in women's food intake
James Roney & Zachary Simmons
Hormones and Behavior, April 2017, Pages 8-14


What role do ovarian hormones play in modulating day-to-day shifts in women's motivational priorities? In many nonhuman mammals, estradiol causes drops in feeding and foraging, progesterone reverses this effect, and the two hormones in combination produce cycle phase shifts characterized by lower food intake near ovulation when sexual receptivity is at its peak. Hormonal predictors of within-cycle shifts in women's total food intake have not been previously tested. Here, in a study with both daily hormone measures and self-reported food intake, we found that within-cycle fluctuations in estradiol negatively predicted shifts in food intake, progesterone fluctuations positively predicted them, and the two hormones together statistically mediated a significant peri-ovulatory drop in eating. These patterns are precisely opposite to those previously reported for sexual desire from this same sample (i.e. positive and negative effects of estradiol and progesterone, respectively, on desire). To more precisely test endocrine regulation of tradeoffs between sexual and eating motivation, a difference score for the daily standardized values of the sexual desire and food intake variables was created. Fluctuations in estradiol and progesterone were oppositely associated with shifts in this difference score, supporting hormone modulation of tradeoffs between alternative motivational priorities. These tradeoffs were especially pronounced during the fertile window of the menstrual cycle on days when conception was possible, consistent with the hormone effects functioning to shift motivational salience between feeding and mating depending on within-cycle changes in fecundity. The findings provide direct evidence that phylogenetically conserved endocrine signals regulate daily shifts in human motivational priorities.

Euclidean distances discriminatively predict short-term and long-term attraction to potential mates
Daniel Conroy-Beam & David Buss
Evolution and Human Behavior, forthcoming


We tested the ability of a Euclidean algorithm to predict attraction to potential mates - a relatively upstream domain in the temporal sequence of the mating process. Participants in two studies reported their ideal mate preferences using a 23-item preference instrument. Separately, they rated their attraction to profiles of potential mates that varied on those 23 dimensions. Study 1 (N = 522) found that Euclidean distances predicted attraction to potential mates both in terms of (1) overall mate value and (2) unique mate value. Study 2 (N = 411) replicated these effects and further found that Euclidean mate values discriminatively predict between short- and long-term attraction. Across both studies, a Euclidean model outperformed a variety of alternative models for predicting attraction to potential mates. These results suggest that a Euclidean algorithm is a good model for how multiple preferences are integrated in mate choice.

What predicts first date success? A longitudinal study of modality switching in online dating
Liesel Sharabi & John Caughlin
Personal Relationships, forthcoming


This study uses a longitudinal design to investigate the effects of online dating sites on first date success. Participants were surveyed before their first date with someone from an online dating site (N = 186) and again after meeting their partner in person (N = 94). As part of the survey, they also supplied the e-mails they had sent to their partner through the dating site so their actual communication could be examined. Findings indicated that first date success was predictable from features of participants' online impressions and relational dynamics. The results are discussed in terms of their theoretical and methodological contributions to the literature on relationship development, as well as their practical implications for online dating sites and users.


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